
Appliance repair in Nairobi Area Runda, ruaka road, runda evergreen, northern bypass, runda groove, mimosa, meadows and Pan African insurance avenue.

Washing machine repair and installation

Fridge and freezer repair and maintenance

Dishwasher repair servicing and installation

Gas cooker and electric oven repairs

Tumble dryer repair and cleaning


Hammock and Palms Africa

Atelier residency, Runda Park

Runda gardens,Runda view, Redwood

Runda court, Thindingua

Rossyln studios, 107 Apartments

Runda Royale, Rombuka

Bid Apartments Ltd. 26 Mzizi court

Cerenata garden, Laduvet Riverine

Fukuo, Rumaisa, HD60, Braefery

Seren court, Keani suites runda

Runda suites, Mulberry court apartments, Bridge court

Mimosa court, First avenue court gate house

Echo estate, kencom homes